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Guidance on College Application Essays: Standing Out in the Admissions Process: Expert Assistance with College Application Essays

Published Oct 13, 23
5 min read

College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers college consulting services to assist high school graduates in navigating the college application process. They understand the complexity of the application process and provide knowledgeable guidance to students and their families.

Their team of experienced consultants, counselors, writers, and educators work together to help students discover their passions, explore college options, and succeed in the admissions process. They provide personalized assistance tailored to each student's unique goals and aspirations.

From building a balanced college list to crafting compelling essays, New Bridge Educational Consulting offers comprehensive support to ensure students make informed decisions and present their best selves to colleges.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the college application process, consider seeking the expertise of New Bridge Educational Consulting to guide you every step of the way.

Learn more about college consulting services.

One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

The main essay is a crucial component of the college application process. It provides an opportunity for students to showcase their unique experiences, values, and perspectives to college admissions readers.

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers one-on-one support for main essay development. Their lead counselor, Stephanie Bartling, who has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling, works closely with students to brainstorm topics, outline their essays, and provide guidance throughout the writing process.

With the help of their knowledgeable consultants, students are able to craft personalized and compelling application essays that stand out to admissions officers.

If you're looking for support in developing your main essay, New Bridge Educational Consulting can provide the guidance and expertise you need.

Learn more about one-on-one main essay development.

The Comprehensive Process of Writing a College Application Essay

Writing a college application essay can be a daunting task, but with the comprehensive assistance provided by New Bridge Educational Consulting, the process becomes more manageable.

Their team of consultants understands the importance of a well-crafted essay and guides students through all stages of the writing process. From brainstorming ideas to structuring the essay to editing for clarity and coherence, they provide the necessary support to ensure students' essays are polished and compelling.

By taking a holistic approach to essay development, New Bridge Educational Consulting helps students present their authentic selves and unique stories to college admissions readers.

Learn more about the comprehensive process of writing a college application essay.

Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces

In addition to the main essay, many colleges require students to submit supplementary essays that explore specific aspects of their character, experiences, or academic interests.

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers assistance with supplementary essay development, helping students craft concise and impactful essays that stand out to admissions committees.

Their consultants work closely with students to identify the most relevant prompts and brainstorm creative and compelling responses. By leveraging their expertise, students can effectively highlight their unique qualities and make a memorable impression on college admissions readers.

If you're looking to make a strong impression with your supplementary essays, New Bridge Educational Consulting can provide the guidance you need.

Learn more about supplementary essay development.

College Essay Review: Expert Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement

For students who have already written their college essays, New Bridge Educational Consulting offers a comprehensive essay review service. This service provides students with the opportunity to receive expert evaluation and suggestions for improvement.

The lead counselor and writing specialist at New Bridge Educational Consulting evaluate the essay and provide precise and individualized feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. They help students strengthen their essays to ensure they make a powerful impact on college admissions readers.

With the essay review service, students can gain insights and strategies for improving their essay without having to start from scratch.

Learn more about the college essay review service.

New Bridge Educational Consulting: A Team of Committed and Knowledgeable Consultants

New Bridge Educational Consulting is comprised of a team of committed and knowledgeable consultants who are dedicated to helping students succeed in the college admissions process.

Their consultants have extensive experience in admissions, college counseling, writing, and education. They stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in college admissions, ensuring their clients receive the most up-to-date guidance.

Through personalized one-on-one sessions, New Bridge consultants build relationships with students, providing them with the support and mentorship they need to navigate the complex college application process.

Learn more about the team at New Bridge Educational Consulting.

Meet the Consultants: Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen

Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen are two of the experienced consultants at New Bridge Educational Consulting who play key roles in guiding students through the college application process.

Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor, brings over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling to her role. She takes a holistic and individualized approach, combining her knowledge of different educational settings with a personal commitment to her clients' success.

Linda Lowen, a writing specialist at New Bridge Educational Consulting, has a strong background in journalism and writing instruction. With her expertise, she helps students refine their writing skills and develop compelling essays.

Together, Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen offer invaluable insights and support to students, ensuring they present their best selves to colleges.

Learn more about Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen.

Getting Your Best Essay: The Importance of a Comprehensive Essay Review

Receiving a comprehensive essay review is essential in creating your best possible college application essay. A thorough review not only helps identify areas for improvement, but also enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of your essay.

New Bridge Educational Consulting understands the importance of a comprehensive review and offers expert evaluation and feedback to help students refine their essays. The reviewers pay attention to elements such as style, voice, clarity, and story logic to provide precise guidance for improvement.

By taking advantage of the comprehensive essay review service, you can submit an essay that truly represents your unique qualities and maximizes your chances of admission to your dream college.

Learn more about the importance of a comprehensive essay review.

Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, the experienced reviewers at New Bridge Educational Consulting, provide invaluable insights and feedback to students seeking to improve their college essays.

With their expertise in admissions, writing, and counseling, Linda and Stephanie offer precise and individualized feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. They dig deep into the essay content to identify areas of improvement and help students create essays that captivate and impress admissions officers.

Through the expert reviewers' guidance, students can elevate their essays to the next level and increase their chances of admission to their top-choice colleges.

Learn more about Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's insights and feedback.

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

Harry Bauld, an award-winning author and professional writer, makes valuable contributions to New Bridge Educational Consulting's essay coaching services.

With over 30 years of experience as a writer and teacher, Harry Bauld brings a unique perspective to essay coaching. He offers valuable insights on revision, compression, and attention to voice and language, helping students refine their essays to perfection.

Through his contributions, Harry Bauld enhances the quality and effectiveness of New Bridge's essay coaching program, providing students with the tools and knowledge they need to create outstanding college application essays.

Learn more about Harry Bauld's contributions to essay coaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does New Bridge Educational Consulting offer?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers a range of services, including college consulting, one-on-one main essay development, supplementary essay development, college essay review, and more. They provide comprehensive assistance to high school graduates navigating the college application process.

Who are the consultants at New Bridge Educational Consulting?

New Bridge Educational Consulting has a team of knowledgeable consultants, including Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen. Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. Linda Lowen, a writing specialist, has a strong background in journalism and writing instruction.

What is the essay review service offered by New Bridge Educational Consulting?

The essay review service provided by New Bridge Educational Consulting involves expert evaluation and feedback on students' college essays. The lead counselor and writing specialist evaluate elements such as style, voice, clarity, and story logic to provide precise suggestions for improvement and enhancement.
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Guidance on College Application Essays: Standing Out in the Admissions Process: Expert Assistance with College Application Essays

New Bridge Education Consulting: Your Partner in College Application Essay Assistance

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